KOZÁK, V. Crack propagation modelling using XFEM, building materials applications. In Proceedings of the Conference Algoritmy 2024. Bratislava: JSMF (Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov), 2024.
s. 235-244. ISBN: 978-80-89829-33-0.
Detail OdkazKOZÁK, V.; VALA, J. Use of cohesive approaches for modelling critical states in fibre-reinforced structural materials. Materials, 2024, roč. 17, č. 13,
s. 3177-1 (3177-21 s.) ISSN: 1996-1944.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně OdkazKOZÁK, V.; VALA, J. Prediction of the high temperature crack propagation in the AISI 304L steel using the cohesive approach. In Thermophysics. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville (USA): American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-4873-5, 2024.
s. 020011-1 (020011-6 s.) ISBN: 978-0-7354-4873-5. ISSN: 1551-7616.
Detail Odkaz2023
VALA, J.; KOZÁK, V. On a computational stress-based non-local damage model for quasi-brittle composites. In MSMF 10 Proceedings. Procedia Structural Integrity. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023.
s. 59-64. ISBN: 978-1-7138-6907-8. ISSN: 2452-3216.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně OdkazKOTRECHKO, S.; KOZÁK, V.; ZATSARNA, O.; ZIMINA, G.; STETSENKO, N.; DLOUHÝ, I. Micromechanical aspects of the effect of temperature and local plastic strain magnitude on the fracture toughness of ferrite steels. In MSMF 10 Proceedings. Procedia Structural Integrity. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023.
s. 228-233. ISSN: 2452-3216.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně OdkazKOZÁK, V.; VALA, J. Modelling of crack formation and growth using FEM for selected structural materials at static loading. WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 2023, roč. 18, č. 1,
s. 243-254. ISSN: 2224-3429.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně OdkazKOZÁK, V. Some peculiarities in crack modelling under static and dynamic loading. In ICNAAM Proceedings. AIP conference proceedings. Melville (USA): American Institute of Physics, 2023.
s. 370005-1 (370005-4 s.) ISBN: 978-0-7354-4182-8. ISSN: 0094-243X.
Detail OdkazKOZÁK, V.; VALA, J. Crack growth modelling in cementitious composites using XFEM. In MSMF 10 Proceedings. Procedia Structural Integrity. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023.
s. 47-52. ISBN: 978-1-7138-6907-8. ISSN: 2452-3216.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně Odkaz2022
KOZÁK, V.; VALA, J. Prediction of fracture behaviour of structural steels using temperature-dependent local approach. In 26th International Meeting of Thermophysics 2021. Melville (USA): American Institute of Physics, 2022.
s. 020007-1 (020007-6 s.) ISBN: 978-0-7354-4365-5.
Detail OdkazVALA, J.; KOZÁK, V.; JEDLIČKA, M. On some peculiarities of numerical modelling of cement-based composites. In ICBM Proceedings. Solid State Phenomena. Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2022.
s. 135-140. ISBN: 978-0-7354-4182-8. ISSN: 1662-9779.
Detail Odkaz2021
VALA, J.; KOZÁK, V.; JAROŠOVÁ, P. On the nonlocal computational modelling of damage in brittle and quasi-brittle materials. In 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC) 2020 in Chania (virtual). Sofia: WSEAS, 2021.
s. 174-183. ISBN: 978-1-7281-6503-5.
Detail OdkazVALA, J.; KOZÁK, V. Non-local damage modelling of quasi-brittle composites. APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS, 2021, roč. 66, č. 6,
s. 815-836. ISSN: 0862-7940.
Detail OdkazVALA, J.; KOZÁK, V.; JEDLIČKA, M. Scale bridging in computational modelling of quasi-brittle fracture of cementitious composites. In ICBM 2020 Proceedings. Solid State Phenomena. Zurich: TransTech, 2021.
s. 56-64. ISSN: 1012-0394.
Detail OdkazKOTRECHKO, S.; KOZÁK, V.; ZATSARNA, O.; ZIMINA, G.; STETSENKO, N.; DLOUHÝ, I. Incorporation of temperature and plastic strain effects into local approach to fracture. Materials, 2021, roč. 14, č. 20,
s. 1-11. ISSN: 1996-1944.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně Odkaz2020
VALA, J.; KOZÁK, V.; JAROŠOVÁ, P. On a computational approach to micro- and macro-modelling of damage in brittle and quasi-brittle materials. International Journal of Mechanics, 2020, roč. 14, č. 1,
s. 185-197. ISSN: 1998-4448.
Detail Plný text v Digitální knihovně Odkaz2015
VALA, J.; KOZÁK, V. Modelling of cohesive crack growth of the brittle and quasi- brittle fracture of structural materials. Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, 2015, roč. 49, č. 1,
s. 44-51. ISSN: 2227- 4588.
VALA, J.; HOBST, L.; KOZÁK, V. Non- destructive detection of metal fibres in cementitious composites. In Advances in Engineering Mechanics and Materials. Athens: EUROPMENT, 2014.
s. 125-128. ISBN: 978-1-61804-241- 5.
STRATIL, L.; HADRABA, H.; KOZÁK, V.; DLOUHÝ, I. Identification and application of Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model for sub-sized three-point- bend geometry. Acta Technica ČSAV, 2013, roč. 2013 (58), č. 2,
s. 141-155. ISSN: 0001- 7043.
STRATIL, L.; HADRABA, H.; KOZÁK, V.; DLOUHÝ, I. Modelling of ductile fracture for sub-sized three-point- bend geometry. In Engineering mechanics 2012. Praha: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012.
s. 1253-1258. ISBN: 978-80-86246-40- 6.
DetailSTRATIL, L.; KOZÁK, V.; HADRABA, H.; DLOUHÝ, I. Stress state analysis of sub-sized pre-cracked three-point- bend specimen. Engineering Mechanics, 2012, roč. 2012(19), č. 2/ 3,
s. 121-129. ISSN: 1802- 1484.
DetailSTRATIL, L.; HADRABA, H.; KOZÁK, V.; DLOUHÝ, I. A simulation of R- curve by complete Gurson model. In 14th International conference Applied Mechanics 2012. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012.
s. 163-166. ISBN: 978-80-261-0097- 3.
STRATIL, L.; KOZÁK, V.; HADRABA, H.; DLOUHÝ, I. Stress state analysis of sub-sized pre-cracked three-point- bend specimen. In 13th Conference Applied Mechanics 2011. Brno: Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v.v.i., 2011.
s. 203-206. ISBN: 978-80-87434-03- 1.
VALA, J.; ŠŤASTNÍK, S.; KOZÁK, V. Numerical prediction of strains and stresses in early- age massive concrete structures. Forum Statisticum Slovacum, 2009, roč. 2009, č. 3,
s. 101-112. ISSN: 1336- 7420.
DetailCHLUP, Z.; DLOUHÝ, I.; GÜRBÜZ, S.; DERICIOGLU, A.; KOZÁK, V. Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, roč. 413, č. 4,
s. 252-259. ISSN: 1013- 9826.
POKLUDA, J.; KONDO, Y.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; KOZÁK, V.; HORNÍKOVÁ, J.; ŠANDERA, P. Microstructural Interpretation of Effective Fatigue Threshold of Structural Steel. In Multilevel Approach to Fracture of Materials, Components and Structures (ECF17). 1. Brno: Vutium, 2008.
s. 2216-2219. ISBN: 9781617823190.
DLOUHÝ, I.; KOZÁK, V.; VÁLKA, L.; HOLZMANN, M. The susceptibility of local parameters to steel microstructure evaluated using Charpy type specimen. Journal de Physique IV, 1996, roč. 1996, č. 6,
s. 205-214. ISSN: 1155- 4339.