Course Details

Technology of Constructions 1

Academic Year 2025/26

BWA002 course is part of 4 study plans

BPA-SI Summer Semester 3rd year

BPC-SI / S Summer Semester 3rd year

BPC-MI Summer Semester 3rd year

BKC-SI Summer Semester 3rd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction

Czech, English


4 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

To offer to students of all faculties

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


  • 1. Introduction to the scientific field of the technology of constructions. Analysis of building processes, process design.
  • 2. Earthwork processes. Staking out a building, methods and procedures for the execution of earthwork. Construction machinery used in earthwork.
  • 3. Foundation construction processes. Technical principles and procedures for the execution of shallow and deep foundations.
  • 4. Concrete structure formwork – element, system and special. Principles of design and execution.
  • 5. Processes used in the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Preparation of reinforcement, production lines. Principles of laying reinforcement into formwork.
  • 6. Concrete mixing processes. Production, haulage, placement, processing and treatment of fresh concrete. Monitoring of setting and hardening, principles of formwork removal. Technical breaks.
  • 7. Masonry processes. Principles of the execution of walling from bricks, shaped bricks and stone. Module, technology and quality requirements.
  • 8. Assembly of timber structures and buildings. Execution of classical and new-style trusses.
  • 9. Timber buildings, principles of production and assembly. Quality requirements.
  • 10. Erection of enclosing shells and roof claddings. Principles and procedures for the assembly.
  • 11. Installation of small unit roof coverings.
  • 12. Execution of metalwork, incl. metal coverings. Fixing and joining, quality requirements.
  • 13. Working and protective scaffoldings. Types, classification. Working procedures and principles for the assembly of scaffolding.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


  • 2. Earthworks, measurements and demarcation of structures, procedures for earthwork execution, management of excavation work, time schedule.
  • 3. Graphical representation of the earthwork processes, selection of machinery for earthworks, techniques used in working with selected machines, scheme for the movement of machinery on the construction site.
  • 5. Formwork, reinforcement and concreting of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Design of formwork systems for monolithic structures, installation process. Listing of elements, drafting of parts of wall and ceiling formwork, formwork details.
  • 6. Procedure for executing the concreting of a monolithic structure, selection of suitable machinery, time schedule, scheme for the transportation of concrete mixture and its placement in formwork.
  • 7. Wall construction. Creation of comprehensive technical documentation for the execution of an assigned brick structure, including calculations and a list of necessary materials.
  • 8. Procedure for the execution of wall construction for one storey of a studied structure. Machinery, devices and tools used in wall construction.
  • 9. Time schedule for the construction of walls for one storey of a structure, graphical representation of the wall construction process for one storey.
  • 10.-12. Alternatively (always in the form of technological regulation): Assembly of wooden structures – execution of roof trusses or wooden buildings. Construction of enclosing shells or roof cladding. Installation of small unit roof coverings.Performance of metalworking on roofs, including sheet metal roof coverings.
  • 13. Assessment of completed assignments, defence of proposed solutions, credit.