Course Details

Additive technologies

Academic Year 2024/25

VUC007 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



2 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Introduction to additive technologies, digital manufacturing and Construction 4.0 2. Basics of 3D printing, internet sources of models and generation of control instructions using available tools 3. General requirements for 3D models according to 3D printing technologies and basic manipulation with models 4. Creating custom 3D models for 3D printing using CAD 5. Parametric design for additive technologies 6. Surface mesh generation for 3D printing from point cloud and the introduction to 3D measurement 7. Introduction to robotic 3D construction printing (3DCP) 8. Generative design and infill structures 9. How to Write G-code 10. Programming in 3D printing 11. Application oriented optimization of 3D printing (models, functional prototypes and negative forms) 12. Individual project consultation 13. Individual project consultation, completion of the course