Course Details

French for Beginners II

Academic Year 2024/25

BYF12 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



1 credit



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. verbs of 2nd and 3rd group; days, hours and minutes, months, seasons 2. verb „faire“, question „est-ce que“; vocabulary: at the railway station 3. verbs „lire“, „écrire“; vocabulary: my job 4. reflexive verbs; vocabulary: my day 5. partative article, verb „boir“; food and drink 6. formation of past participle, past tense (le passé composé) + „avoir“ ; vocabulary: CV 7. past tense (le passé composé) + „etre“, adverbs of time; vocabulary: sport 8. verb „pouvoir“, imperative, personal dipendent pronouns; vocabulary: spending leisure time 9. verbs „vouloir“, „savoir“, numbers; expression of the will and the ability to 10. personal independent pronouns, verb „etre“ 11. „en“; my work et spending leisure time 12. „il faut“; vocabulary: holiday, traveling 13. revision of grammar and vocabulary