ROZEHNALOVÁ, P.; FRANCŮ, J. HOMOGENIZATION ON DOMAINS WITH HOLES. In Aplimat 2017 Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2017.
s. 1332-1341. ISBN: 978-80-227-4650-2.
Detail LinkROZEHNALOVÁ, P. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION IN THE TREFFTZ FINITE ELEMENT METHOD. In Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18, Janov nad Nisou, June 19-24,2016, Proceedings of Seminar. 2017.
s. 97-101. ISBN: 978-80-85823-67-7.
Detail LinkMATUŠÍKOVÁ, A.; ROZEHNALOVÁ, P.; GIRGLE, F.; KOSTIHA, V.; ŠTĚPÁNEK, P. An Engineering Heat and Mass Transport Model Utilized for Concrete at Fire. Key Engineering Materials (web), 2017, roč. 738, č. 58,
s. 58-68. ISSN: 1662-9795.
ROZEHNALOVÁ, P. Homogenization on perforated domains. In ICNAAM 2015 - 13th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in Rhodes (Greece). AIP conference proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings ... Melville (USA): American Institute of Physics, 2016.
s. A2001 (A2004 s.) ISBN: 978-0-7354-1392-4. ISSN: 0094-243X.
Detail Link2015
FRANCŮ, J., ROZEHNALOVÁ, P. Torsion of a Bar with Holes. Engineering Mechanics, 2015, roč. 22, č. 1,
s. 3-23. ISSN: 1802-1484.
DetailVALA, J.; ROZEHNALOVÁ, P.; KUČEROVÁ, A. Prediction of behaviour of cementitious composites under fire conditions. WSEAS Transaction on Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, roč. 10, č. 1,
s. 1-8. ISSN: 1790-5044.
ROZEHNALOVÁ, P.; KUČEROVÁ, A.; ŠTĚPÁNEK, P. Mathematical modeling of processes proceeding in concrete during fire. In Thermophysics 2014 - Conference Proceedings. first. Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Science in Bratislava, 2014.
s. 97-104. ISBN: 978-80-214-5034- 9.
DetailROZEHNALOVÁ, P.; KUČEROVÁ, A.; ŠTĚPÁNEK, P. Processes in Concrete during Fire. In Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17 - Dolní Maxov, June 8-13, 2014 - Proceedings of Seminar. Praha: 2014.
s. 181-187. ISBN: 978-80-85823-64-6.
DetailVALA, J.; KUČEROVÁ, A.; ROZEHNALOVÁ, P. Modelling of high- temperature behaviour of cementitious composites. In Advances of Applied and Pure Mathematics. Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods. Athens: EUROPMENT, 2014.
s. 163-167. ISBN: 978-1-61804-240- 8. ISSN: 2227- 4588.
FRANCŮ, J.; NOVÁČKOVÁ, P.; JANÍČEK, P. Torsion of a Non-circular Bar. Engineering Mechanics, 2012, roč. 19, č. 1,
s. 45-60. ISSN: 1802-1484.
DetailNOVOTNÝ, J.; NOVÁČKOVÁ, P. Computional modeling of organizational structures. In Mendel 2012: 18th International Conference on Soft Computing. Mendel Journal series. 2012.
s. 163-167. ISBN: 978-80-214-4540- 6. ISSN: 1803- 3814.
DetailNOVÁČKOVÁ, P.; POPELA, P. A note on decomposition of nonlinear budget formula. In MENDEL 2012: 18th International Conference on Soft Computing. Mendel Journal series. 2012.
s. 174-179. ISBN: 978-80-214-4540- 6. ISSN: 1803-3814.