Course Details

Physical Geodesy

Academic Year 2024/25

IE53 course is part of 1 study plan

D-K-C-GK / GAK Summer Semester 1st year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



7 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment


Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


1. Gravity potential theory. Spherical harmonic functions and Legendre´s functions. Poisson´s equation, Laplace´s equation and some of the solutions. 2. Field of centrifugal force of the rotating Earth. Field of tidal forces. Earth´s gravity field. Gravity potential level surfaces of gravity potential. 3. Theory of heights. Stokes´ parameters and their determination. Normal gravity and gravity force field of level spheroids. 4. Earth´s normal gravity field. Measurement of fundamental gravity field parameters. 5. Statistical methods of physical geodesy. Interpolation and extrapolation of gravity anomalies. Modern methods for determination of the Earth´s shape. 6. Earth´s composition, tidal phemomena, local and regional geodynamics. Earth´s magnetic and thermal field.