Course Details

Concrete Rheology

Academic Year 2024/25

DJ69 course is part of 1 study plan

D-K-C-SI (N) / FMI Winter Semester 2nd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



8 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment


Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


1.Introduction into problems. Definition of rheological phenomena. Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids. Stream laws. Description of rheological behaviour of the cement paste. 2.Rheometry of cement pastes. Types of viscosimeters and rheometers. Advantages and disadvantages. 3.Rheological model of concrete. Components of concrete and effect of their properties on rheological behaviour of fresh concrete and of cement composites. 4.Compatibility of cement and plasticizing admixtures in concrete. Models of plasticizing admixtures influence. 5.Technological effects on concrete rheology. Problems with fresh concrete rheological behaviour (bleeding, sedimentation). Consistency measuring in concrete technology. 6.Processing of fresh concrete. Pumping of concrete. 7.Water and air pressure in pores. Compacting. Theory of compacting by vibration. Isostatic pressing. 8.Self compacting concrete. Self leveling putty paste. 9.Particular substances. Shape and surface of grains. Grain size composition. Connections between particles of the particular system 10.Concrete properties as function of porosity, improving of cement concrete by intensification of microstructure. Porous structure of hardened concrete. 11.High performance concrete. 12.Post-forming of concrete. 13.Fibre – concrete. Light concrete. Pumping of light concrete. Self compacting light concrete.