Course Details

Teoretical elements of Composite Materials

Academic Year 2024/25

DJ64 course is part of 1 study plan

D-K-C-SI (N) / FMI Summer Semester 1st year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



8 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment


Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


1.Types of composite materials and their characteristics, development of composite materials. 2.Definition of composite effect, variables defining the composite properties, their structural classification. 3.Design of composites. 4.Particles composites of I. till III.type; specific characteristics. 5.Fibre composites, fibres, matrices. 6.Composite materials with cement matrix and fibrous reinforcement. 7.Glass-fibre-concrete, fibre-concrete with polymer fibres, design, application. 8.Fibre-concrete with steel fibres, design, application. 9.Composite materials with polymer matrix and fibrous reinforcement. 10.Technology composite materials manufacture, with polymer matrix and fibre reinforcement. 11.New materials for strengthening of structures, lamellas, reinforcing fabrics. 12.Composites reinforced by bands. Laminates. Hybrid composites 13.Unidirectional composites, abundances of fibres. Mechanics of unidirectional composites.Longitudinal strength and stiffness, stress strain diagram during tensile load (graphs, basic calculation formulae, Behaviour in the case of failure. Thermal dilatation and transport properties. Elasticity modulus and strength of short-fibre composites.