Course Details

Synergy of building materials

Academic Year 2024/25

DB63 course is part of 1 study plan

D-K-C-SI (N) / FMI Summer Semester 1st year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



8 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment


Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


I. Advanced chapters from thermodynamics of building materials 1.Thermal properties of building materials 2.Combined thermodynamic processes in building materials 3.Surface and interstitial condensations in building structures 4.Generalised Glaser’s condensation model 5.Condensation problems of special building structures. II. Advanced chapter from building acoustics 6.Acoustic properties of building materials 7.Moder methods of measurement of reverberation time (MLS) 8.Acoustis barriers designed by the method of Fresnel 9.Acoustical specific features of theaters and concert halls III Current state of research of nano-structure of cement materials 10.Inner morphology of building materials 11.Physical properties of cement C-S-H gel 12.Modern research methods within the nano-structure of C-S-H gel 13.Structure of C-S-H gel and its connection with physical properties