Course Details

Building renovations

Academic Year 2024/25

BHA033 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-EVB Winter Semester 4th year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Introduction to the subject, basic concepts, lifetime of buildings, aiming and documentation of the current state of the buildings. 2. Building surveys and their outputs. Basic methods and procedures used in construction-technical (static, humidity, biological), -historical and architectural-urban surveys. Examples of output applications. 3. Static structural failures (cracks). Types of cracks, the reasons for their occurrence (congestion, settling of foundations, retrofitting, etc.). Long term monitoring, short and long term cracks. 4. Overview of other structural failures: Moisture disasters, their most frequent causes and consequences, invasion of structures by biotic pests, radon, degradation of buildings due to aging and inappropriate structure of structures. 5. Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the substructure - statics. Repairs and reinforcement of foundation structures. Repairs and reinforcement of the basement (walls) of the basement: repair of cracks, additional reinforcement of pillars or wreaths, etc. 6. Sanitation and alteration of the underground construction - others. Disposal and prevention of faults causing the penetration of moisture into the building - repairs of waterproofing, repair of degraded elements, additional waterproofing, dehumidification and drying of structures. Liquidation and prevention of biotic infestations (fungi and fungi) of the lower structure. 7. Rehabilitation and modification of brick and concrete structures - statics. Walls, ceilings, staircases, chimneys. Repair of static faults. Linking new and original elements and amplifying them. Additional holes. Repair of stairs. 8. Rehabilitation and modification of brick and concrete structures - others. Remediation of faults associated with leakage, floods, etc. 9. Remediation and modification of metal and wooden structures - statics. Repair and reinforcement of metal and wooden structures, partial vs. complete replacement of structures. 10. Rehabilitation and modification of metal and wooden structures - others. Humidity and biotic pests. Protection of metallic and wooden elements. Improvement of acoustic and thermal parameters of metal and wooden structures. 11. Rehabilitation and modification of roof trusses and roofs. Remediation of damage caused by external influences (eg leakage). Repair and modification of flat roofs. Repairs of atiki, nadezdívek, chimney heads, etc. 12. Remediation and modification of PSF. Repairs and replacement of holes, holes, etc.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory