Course Details

Cartography 1

Academic Year 2024/25

BEA023 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-GK Summer Semester 3rd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



8 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


1. Development and definition of cartography, types of cartographic products. 2. Geometrical base of cartographic works, projections. 3. Contents of cartographic products, cartographic language. 4. Cartographic interpretation. 5. Generalization and cartometry. 6. Development of Czech and world cartography. 7. National and military state map series. 8. Digital cartography, legislative and institutional security of cartography. 9. Creation, production and publishing of cartographic products, printing of cartographic products.


13 weeks, 4 hours/week, compulsory


1. State map – work with Geoportal of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre and with vector data, import of map frames. 2. State map – construction of one-kilometer grid lines, digital calculation of grid line and map frame intersections. 3. Base Map of the Czech Republic – work with map frames, graphical construction of one-kilometer grid lines, transformation using key of transformation and trigonometric points. 4. Base Map of the Czech Republic – setting and using the dimensioning device. 5. Creation of point cartographic symbols. 6. Work with line symbols and map lettering, using web map services. 7. Vectorization of topographic map in scale 1:25 000. 8. Generalization of topographic map from scale 1:25 000 to 1:50 000. 9. Plotting drawings and control test.