Course Details

Engineering Geodesy 1

Academic Year 2024/25

BEA021 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-GK Winter Semester 3rd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



8 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


1. Introduction, basic terms, model of measurement, theory of accuracy analysis. 2. Methodology of accuracy analysis of angle and distance measurement and setting out. 3. Methodology of accuracy analysis of heights measurement and setting out. Horizontal and plumb line setting out of . 4. Accuracy analyses and procedures of basic methods of horizontal position setting out. 5. Accuracy analyses and procedures of other methods of horizontal position setting out. 6. Basic terms of geodesy for construction. Setting out and check surveying of structures. Legal prescriptions and standards. Setting out drawings. 7. Division of geodetic works between the construction participants. Primary systems of structures. Setting out of secondary systems of building objects. 8. Geodesy for building construction. Detail setting out for main construction technologies. 9. Geodesy for road and railway construction. Basic terminology. Geodetic works in preparation and designing of transportation structures. 10. Setting out of roads and railways. Setting out of arcs and transition curves. Longitudinal and transversal profile. 11. Setting out and measurement of underground structures. 12. Deformation measurements of structures. Measurement methods of vertical and horizontal deformations. 13. Progressive measuring technologies in engineerin geodesy. Satellite methods. Laser scanning.


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, compulsory


1. Introduction, conditions for credit obtaining, fundamentals of engineering geodesy. 2. Accuracy analyses - data sets, basic accuracy characteristics, testing of measurement results. 3. Accuracy analyses of measurement and setting out of angles. 4. Measurement of direction sets, introduction of corrections for steep sightlines - theoretical analysis and practical surveying. 5. Setting out of an angle with defined accuracy - theoretical analysis and practical surveying. 6. Measurement and setting out of distances with electronic distance meters, accuracy analysis and practical surveying. 7. Measurement and setting out of distances by taping, accuracy analysis and practical surveying. 8. Polar method of horizontal setting out, elements, setting out sketch and accuracy analysis. 9. Free stationing method of horizontal setting out, accuracy analyses. 10. Elevation setting out by leveling and trigonometric method, accuracy analyses. 11. Setting out drawing of building structure, work with technical standards, elements of setting out. 12. Setting out drawing of linear structure, work with technical standards, circular arc, elements of setting out. 13. Final check of fulfilling the credit conditions, granting of credits.