Course Details

Geographical Information Systems 1

Academic Year 2024/25

BEA020 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-GK Winter Semester 3rd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


Lectures (after weeks – 1 hour per week) 1. Definition of GIS, history, development, interdisciplinary relationships. 2. Information systems with spatial reference, application in state administration (ISKN, GeoInfoStrategie). 3. Database with spatial reference, spatial SQL, spatial indices. 4. Topology, DIGEST standard. 5 Data models in GIS, raster, vector, matrix data, mobile GIS. 6. Metadata, quolity description, typology of errors in GIS. 7. Digital terrain model (basic information). 8. Data Sources for GIS in the Czech Republic and abroad, 9. GIS on-line, web mapping services, mobile GIS. 10 Map algebra, model conception, type of variables and functions. 11. Basic spatial analysis (overview). 12. GIS in crisis management, applications. 13. Overview and characteristics of current GIS, prospects of further development of GIS.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


Schedule of exercises 1. ArcCatalog Graphic Environment, ArcMap Graphical Environment. 2. Visualization, Labeling, Editing of Tables, Attribute Queries. 3. Spacial queries, Buffer, Clip, ModelBuilder, Basic map, Map services. 4. Raster data, Georeferencing, Transformation of coordinate system, Data export. 5. Import, Export JTSK Coordinates, Import, Export WGS84 Coordinates, Editing and Creating of Vector Data. 6. Filedatabase, ISKN Studio, OpenStreetMap (ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap), Data GIS Collection. 7. ArcGIS Online, Collector, ArcReader, ArcGIS Explorer. 8. Import, export of CAD data, QGIS. 9. Creating of TIN, 3D Analyst Tools, ArcScene, Google Earth. 10.–13. Final test.