Course Details

Selected Chapters of Plumbing

Academic Year 2024/25

CT003 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Potable water demand and quantity of wastewater, introduction to pumps systems, suction head for pumps 2. Pump head-capacity curves 3. System head curves, point of pumps operation 4. Change of point of pump operation 5. Pumps and pumps stations for plumbing engineering 6. Booster pump systems and hydropneumatic tank systems for water supply 7. Determination of capacity of gravity tanks (suction, storage) and pressure tanks (diaphragm tanks) 8. Automatic wastewater lifting plants and their design 9. Sprinkler fixed extinguishing systems – purpose, application, fundamental arrangement and sprinkler installations 10. Management of rainwater, soakaways, retention tanks, rainwater harvesting 11. Central water heating – storage and instantaneous systems 12. Central water heating - design of systems components 13. Potable water conditioning before heating, control of domestic hot water temperature


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Fundamental calculations for plumbing systems. 2. Pumps and pumps systems – piping and pumps design. 3. Pump head-capacity curves. System head curves. 4. Point of pump system operation. Available suction head for pumps. 5. Water supply for building – variants. 6. Axonometric scheme of chosen variant. Water system sizing. 7. Pump station sizing for building water supply. 8. Determination of capacity of tanks. 9. Sprinkler heads arrangement. 10. Rainwater soakaway design, rainwater harvesting design. 11. Division of domestic hot water demand in building. 12. Storage heater sizing. Safety device sizing. 13. Final calculations check. Credit.