Course Details

Selected Chapters of Concrete Structures 2 (S)

Academic Year 2024/25

CL060 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Modelling of cross-section behaviour of concrete members, linear and non-linear analysis. General formulation of the problem as physically non-linear task. 2. Solution of the conditions of equilibrium. Iterative methods. Control of loadd-bearing capacity. 3. Non-linear material models of concrete and reinforced concrete. 4. Cracks, cracks localization, fracture energy, modelling of concrete in tension. 5. Plane state of stress, concrete crushing. Methods of solution of non-linear equations system. 6. Methods of non-linear task solution: layered, integral. 7. Non-linear modelling of flat concrete structures. 8. Non-linear analysis of prestressed concrete sections. Optimisation of reinforcement design into a section. 9. Non-linear material models of concrete and reinforced concrete in some comercial software of FEM systems. 10. Temperature effects on concrete – calculation of temperature stress acting on structures.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1.– 3. Calculation analysis of the cross section bearing capacity loaded by combination of bending moment and normal force - physical non-linearity of the concrete and steel. Cross section layer model for compression part. Algorithm development of the calculation with help of Microsoft Excel program. 4. Correction. 5.- 6. Deflection computation of the two way slab within Scia Engineer computing program with the help of non-linear calculation. 7. Correction. 8.- 9. Deflection computation of the two way slab within Scia Engineer computing program with help of linear iterative computation – non-linear behaviour is taken into account by modification of the stiffness matrix within every iterative step. 10. Tasks submission. Credit.