Course Details

Technology of Rehabilitation

Academic Year 2024/25

CJ015 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1.Introduction into the subject. Basic concepts in the field of reinforced concrete rehabilitation. 2.Diagnostics – types of investigation, extents, division and methods of tests. 3.Strategy of concrete rehabilitation – criteria for the selection of adequate materials and technologies. 4.Contents of technical rules for rehabilitation. 5.Methods of concrete and reinforcement pre-treatment. 6. + 7. Repair materials for concrete re-profiling, material base, properties, methods of application. 8.Check tests, methods, frequency. 9.Biology of humid masonry, water evaporation from masonry, capillary attraction. 10.Basic concepts. Chemism of humid masonry, biological factors. Materials porosity, effects of external surroundings. Methods of moisture determination in building structures. 11.Water affecting the objects. Checking of humid buildings. 12.Methods of masonry desalting. Methods of moisture rehabilitation – mechanical, chemical. Rehabilitation mortars. Insulating materials. 13.Type of wood material attacks, structure of degraded wood, determination of the type of attack. Technology of wood rehabilitation – mechanical, chemical.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Introduction exercise. Students are introduced with the laboratory procedure and safety. They are introduced with filling exercise and the conditions for obtaining the credit, 2. Testing of base concrete. Summary of basic tests of physical and mechanical properties of concrete in the context of remediation, 3. Methods used in branch of architectural and engineering research of reinforced concrete structures. Video presentation, demonstration acoustic tracking, pull-off test, etc., 4. Laboratory testing significance polymer dispersion in polymercement composites, 5. Specification of statement for architectural and engineering research of reinforced concrete structures and its realization, 6. Laboratory testing of commercially manufactured repair mortars. Comparison of properties (both fresh and hardened) mortars from reputable manufacturers. Comparison with the requirements of standards, 7. Specification of statement for remediation of specific reinforced concrete structures, 8. Excursion to construction rehabilitated one of the innovative technologies, demonstration remediation "in situ", 9. Laboratory testing salinity masonry. Practical introduction to the methods used to determine the presence of salts (sulfates, chlorides, etc.) in brickwork, 10. Laboratory testing of remediation plaster. Comparison of observed values with those declared by the manufacturer of plaster, the definition of usability improvement plasters, 11. Practical examples of the possibilities of rehabilitation of humid masonry with a focus on injection, 12. Laboratory testing of different types of secondary protection (impregnation, coating, etc.), 13. Credit test, grant of the credit.