Course Details


Academic Year 2024/25

BZB008 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-GK Winter Semester 3rd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



2 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Subject matter and importance of sociology, position of sociology in scientific field. Social structure of society. 2. History of sociology. Overview of the most important sociological theories, courses and paradigms. Importance for nowadays. 3. Macrosociology, social development. Social psychology. Society, groups and teams. Microsociology. The structures of organisations, office and firm. Management and checking. 4. Sociological theories and paradigms. The theory of conflict and the theory of consensus in society and organisation. 5. Sociological methods, research techniques and their statistical processing. Observation, questionnaire, research, survey, testing methods. Socio-psychological methods of describing the individual. 6. Attitudes and relationships in groups and their recognition. Structure of organisations. Direction styles. Planning and organizing. 7. Social perception. Active and passive adaptation techniques. Professiogram. Analysis of work performance. Motivation in work and direction. The hierarchy of needs. Motivation factors. 8. Verbal and nonverbal communication. Communication skills. Presentation. Brainstorming. Directed meeting. Discussion. 9. Principles of sociological world view and the role of the individual in it. Relationship between the individual and society. Social structures, social statics and dynamics. 10. Rituals in sociology and in everyday behaviour. The role theory. Characteristics of work placement. Factors of work environment. 11. Social groups and their classification. Firm culture, identity and ethics. Social deviation. 12. Motivation and stimulation of workers. Usage of sociology in personal management. Sociology of work, marketing and direction. Career. 13. Solution of conflicting and stressful situations. Sociology of leisure time. Sociology of youngsters and school.