Course Details

Geodesy 2

Academic Year 2024/25

BEA004 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-GK Summer Semester 1st year

Geodetic horizontal and vertical control networks, auxiliary measuring networks (development, marking of points). Height systems in CR and their development. Methods of horizontal and vertical surveying, creation of control and network. Coordinate calculations. Positional accuracy. Levelling and trigonometric determination of elevation. Methods of horizontal and vertical detail survey – polar (and orthogonal) methods, surface levelling and tacheometry. Calculation of area, cubage, survey of grade line. Basic requirements of data processing and outputs of surveying activities (including technical reports).

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



6 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


1. Basic concepts and information about heights.

2. Geometric levelling.

3. Surface levelling, basic methods of survey and terrain display.

4. Area, cubage, survey of grade line.

5. Trigonometric height survey. Refraction influence.

6. Methods of detailed data collection, tacheometry.

7. Spread of electromagnetic signal through the atmosphere.

8. Processing of geodetic survey in control, finish elaborate, technical report.

9. Control of the Czech Republic.

10. Survey and processing of simple network.

The course is full of lectures available on the e-learning on Moodle.


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, compulsory


1. Traverses.

2. Second Automated calculation of a point (primarily software Groma).

3. Levelling instruments. Control of the Czech Republic.

4. Levelling, technical levelling.

5. Surface levelling, basic methods of survey and terrain display.

6. Trigonometric measurement of heights over long distances (curvature of Earth, influence of environment).

7. Determining the location (spatial) of an inaccessible point.

8. Tacheometry.

9. Marking of points of point fields and auxiliary measuring networks. Processing of geodetic measurements, completion of the report, technical report.

10. Credit.